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Desmond Irich ZYQbJZc


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    Desmond Irich


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    Desmond Irich Empty Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:31 am

    Personal Info:
    Name: Desmond Irich
    Nickname: Voltumna
    Age: 25
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Species: Ziamachi (Human/Abyss Demon Hybrid)
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Clan: Unknown
    Rank: Unknown
    Height: He is 6'7" ft, some may argue that he is taller though but that is due to his boots.
    Eyes: Based on each emotion his eyes will change neon colors

    Looks: Desmond Irich, best known as the War Shokku, is a 5-nearly 7 foot Human/Demon Hybrid. His size seems to be unbearable for any other humans considering they have to fight him, but his size matches with his strength in a perfect way. While he is strong, he does have speed but prefers the timing to it, only because he thinks that he will rush without knowing. Desmond’s hair is pure white only because he was born dead. Of course, many had questioned why his hair was not grey, but the reason behind it was his powers. The powers he possessed had chemically changed his hair through energy, but that wasn’t the only thing that had changed, the pupils in his eyes.
    Desmond’s eyes (or pupils) changed color based upon the emotion he was in, for example: If he were angry, they would change into glowing neon red. The chemical, and biological change of events; making him the first Abyss Demon/human hybrid to have ever been born from the womb. As a young adult, Desmond wears a pair of black jeans, along with a white shirt and white and black Nike shoes. He wears a pure black hooded robe, trying to conceal himself form actual public appearance.

    Extra: Combat mode is the one with he armor, Desmond has a black with red armor that seems sinister enough, but his what this arm does to him is quite extraordinary. His armor allows him furthered strength and speed, upping his powers higher, this arm is only granted to those of the Abyss Demon heritage. Shadow Forged to withstand the explosion of a destruction of a mountain, the armor is surprisingly light and has a medium look to it, providing good protection until challenged by a much powerful source. Shadow Forge is the ability to forge darkness together with steel and other metals in a magical way, putting enchantments and enhancement on the equipment itself, it is only gifted with one power, to boost its bearers power through body, mind, and soul, yet this makes the armor for the bearer weak to light magics.
    Hobbies/skills: His main two skills being able to craft weapons easily and swordsmanship. He is very well skilled with any weapon he particularly comes across, being able to quickly figure out how to use the weapon to his own will. Another hobby he has singing, being more of a "heavy metal" type person he takes after KoRn, Disturbed, and other artists including Marilyn Manson, yet while very few have heard him sing, he sings to himself when he is working alone.

    Strengths: Typically, as a demon he can control certain elements such as darkness and can manipulate it with ease, allowing even himself to turn into a shadow and hide in the darkness during battle or stealth missions, and this enables him to hide his energy level, lowering it to that of a small insect, and while he can stay in this form for a good while (ten turns) it will slowly drain his shadow element energy as well as physical (10% (shad. Ele.) and 5% Physical energy every five turns), and after this technique is used the user cannot use it for another five turns. The elements he has mastered in the past would be lightening, water, and ice, but also having minimal healing thanks to his blood ability. He can lift more then 20+ tons and his speeds at sprinting reaching up to 65 mph without slowing. He is a very skilled marksman with rifles, but is far better as a swordsman learning many different arts of battle of combining them into his own. His nickname "War Shokku" ("Shokku" Japanese term for "Shock") comes form his strongest elemental ability, electricity, the element he has had the longest he gave himself this nickname because he does not want very many people to know who he truly is. And while he can heal with his blood element slowly, he cannot heal broken bones nor limbs that are missing, he still needs the training in order to regenerate limbs or even better, create clones easily. He can absorb his following elements, water, electricity, ice, and darkness and manipulate them from his body, yet this does take energy, it becomes very well useful.

    Weaknesses: Since he can control darkness, his main weakness would have to be light magics, and not sunlight, but actual light used as a weapon itself. When pressured too much Desmond will back off for the moment for some for of rest, this is a weakness because he powers down to keep himself hidden or to keep from suing too much energy for that particular moment. His blood ability allows healing, but if he has a broken bone or missing limb he CANNOT heal form that at all, plus open wounds (like missing limbs) for his blood element are subtle to ice attacks if he is not using his water ability. Utilizing too much energy requires him to rest for the mount without fighting, he will be open for any attacks no matter if he is immune to them or not. If he is to collect too much energy his body would have an overload, this could render him harmless and completely drained in a more fatal way, making certain organs either shut down, paralyze for a short time, or even rupture.

    Accessories: Weapons
    Weapon Name: Ragnarock
    Weapon Looks/Description: A pure black slender great sword that is sharply serrated, it has a blade on each end, and being a demon weapon it can absorb darkness for its bearer and allow him/her to utilize many dark attacks. It shares its own energy with the user to allow them to last longer against stronger opponents, and without a shadow of a doubt, it can cut through almost anything.

    Weapon Name: Kings Carnage Blade
    Weapon Looks/Description: A huge, ten foot sword that is silver with an ivory patterned styled hilt. This sword weighs a total of 400 lb. making it very difficult for most beings to lift unless they an lift that much, Demond treats the sword and wings it like it was a regular blade. Through the years of combat, passed down to ancestors to descendants of another family, it has spilt so much blood that a dark and ominous presence protrudes form the blade itself, making the challenger feeling watched and uncomfortable

    Weapon Name:
    Weapon Looks/Description:

    Special abilities: This may be a little long, so bear with me here:
    Transformation: 2nd Sealed Demon Mode:
    In this mode Desmond gives himself into the darkness in a more weak form of connection, only inheriting a boost of speed and strength, all of his dark attacks only require half of what it should to charge up and use. This form makes the user itself more weaker to light attacks though and makes them weak to energy attacks. This is the first form of the demon that Desmond truly is, the same mode that he used to defeat his brother and helped defeat negative while helping his old leader. As he gets stronger, so does this form but only slowly, and this allows him to be immune to dark attacks completely, but cannot withstand the force of the attacks. In his appearance his skin grows slightly paler and red markings crawl all over his body and glow and his eyes are completely glowing red, the pupils are not visible at that time, representing that this form has been taken. While this form gives him a good boost and immunity to dark attacks, the longer he stays in it the more damage this form inflicts on him, because this form is pushing his inner and outer limits, so the there is a limited amount of time he uses the form for. (Form time usage: 30 turns of the user,

    Elemental Properties- These abilities are passed down through generations for he Irich Clan, for it is no surprise that even in ancient times they have been around, this is one of few Families/Clans to home are born with the Elemental Manipulation Properties, each family member having anywhere from one to five abilities. Desmond is the one child who has five abilities, Water, Lightening/Electricity, Ice, Darkness, and a small control of blood (which he needs more training through). Each Elemental Property has a special ability which allows the user to execute specific attack via techniques, and while it does take energy, the stronger the user is the less energy it does take to do something, but as an added bonus, he can absorb these elements into separate energies in his own body to use, granted he cannot absorb anything while using it, this would damage his body for he can only do, one thing at a time. The Blood element itself is a minor healing factor, ridding the body of any negative toxins and certain poisons that could be fatal, and although passed through the female generations of the clan, this sinful element allows its user to absorb their opponent (when the foe is weak) and obtain their powers, yet, Desmond needs training for his blood element in order to do so. only those involved with the blood elements can use these odd techniques, and while it is a sinful power, it is also very useful in the line of combat.
    Per element he has a different energy, for all five elements they can only hold up to 50% of what his physical energy can hold, and if he uses one specific energy too much and it drains then he cannot use it at all until he can collect more, but, if he pushes his body for those energies this could cause all other energies, physical and elemental, to surge and overload his body, causing him to "explode" swiftly and release any power he has, which will also fatally injure him at the same time, may even cause certain organs to rupture, shut down, or even stop function for mere moments.

    Elemental Cloning- using a droplet of blood, the user must concentrate a good amount of energy in order to create a clown of themselves from one of the elemental properties, this allows them to create something that acts on its own and knows what the goal is, but yet it can only control a single element it was created from (lightening, ice, water, darkness) excluding blood (because the blood is used to create artificial skin and brain in the sense). After the clones energy is used up, it will dissipate into nothingness, the energy from it forever gone and dead. While this is very useful, it takes up half of his Physical and all of whichever elemental energy he used in order to craft one, but he needs to rest for some time (three turns) in order to restore at least 5% of his physical energy for if he does not his body will begin to deteriorate all of his energies slowly. (Two to craft up, ten posts for the clone to last, twelve to recharge after clone is made)

    Energy Conjuration- from this, the user can conjure up a weapon, which will give off a faint glow as it is surrounded in many shards of energy before turning into the weapon itself. This does take some power from the user depending on the amount of power it produces and the size of the weapon itself. This technique, however, is used only ever so often for it does need time to charge and recharge. (One post to charge, four to recharge)

    Attacks: I am not adding specific attacks, granted he does have those, I don't see the point in adding them to this character sheet when there could be a different section for these.

    Combat style: Desmond prefers up close combat for he is very well skilled in hand to hand combat and is even more skilled in swordsmanship, yet half of the time he scouts out the enemy and tries to find weak spots or a perfect opening to kill them easily. Through years of combat he has learned to keep hidden in the shadows and keep his stealth in a more "ninja" way, but when revealed, he uses a series of ranged attacks or he charges in for a swift kill.
    Personality: Desmond is very calmed and relaxed, both in battle and our of combat. Casually, he is a smart ass, very peaceful yet loves a good fight, he does train, has an upbeat personality about him in a calm way. He encourages many people to do what is right and to help others out with everyday problems. He is very shy whenever it comes to women though, trying to avoid them because they will think of him as odd and weird, he has the worst issues. He can be a very outgoing man, but is alone most of the time due to trust issues he has with other, he does not trust anyone. During combat Desmond is serious, he is not the way he used to be, he wants to go in for the kill or win as soon as possible to end that battle.

    Likes: Usually he likes to be in calm areas, he loves peace although he gets in the mood to spar with someone he knows. He is not too fond of random people/strangers, not trusting anyone really, he only trust those he knows and those who will take on their responsibilities. He loves crafting weapons, selling them or keeping them if he likes them enough.

    Dislikes: Desmond hates backing down from a fight, but if he knows he cannot win it he will have to make a wiser decision. He does not trust anyone, as stated above, he prefers the trust of someone who is much more closer to him. He cannot handle anything that deals with cockroaches, as tough as he is he finds them disgusting and hard to kill even when he isn't looking at him, this is more of a fear, but he hates these little things. He hates people who cannot depend on themselves to get a simple task even in normal life done, and that they need to resources or time of someone else all of the time in order to do them properly, he prefers to stray away from those kind of people, especially the snobby people he considers assholes.

    Fears: His two fears, making the first on Cockroaches (as stated above in Dislikes). His main fear though is losing someone he holds close to himself, this is the reason why he trains to get stronger and keeps everyone away from his personal life or keep them from becoming friends with himself so he does not have the emotion of sadness, or anger, etc.
    Parents: His parent are deceased
    Mate: N/A, he's open for one though
    Offspring: N/A
    Relative: N/A
    Brothers/sisters: Deceased
    Because I am so nice, I will give you a nice story of my character:
    Part 1:

    Part 2:
    Part 3:

    Part 4:

    Given Rise to Darkness:

    RP paragraph:

    Last edited by Voltumna on Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:50 am; edited 10 times in total

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    Male Posts : 44
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    Age : 26

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:31 am

    Alright, I'm finished with this, can someone check it out please?
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by sLy Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:45 am

    I noticed an inconsistency.

    In your strengths you mentioned you can disappear into the shadows. Is this a form of travelling while invincible from one place to another? If so, the proportion of your strengths to your weaknesses is becoming too big. You can still keep shadow travelling, though like your clones and use of elements, you need to add a limitation/drawback to this.

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    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:48 am

    Mm, alrighty then, I can add restrictions to the cloning, and as for the shadow travel I can add a weakness to it as well. And if needed, I can add more weaknesses to my character if needed.
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by sLy Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:52 am

    I also have a question about your element absorption. Is there a limit to how much he can absorb from foes or the environment?

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    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:57 am

    Mm, well I can add that too. There is a limit to how much he can absorb, unlike his physical, spiritual and gibberish energy his elemental energies are separate, but can only be absorbed to 50% with how many elements he has. If he was to absorb anymore then that his body would have a major overload and the energies would surge and release all at once, not only fatally injuring his body but leaving him completely drained and defenseless. The ONLY time he does this is when he has to absorb a major amount of energy to protect a group or something like that from a powerful attack not even he could block, so that surge could pulse out as a wave and potentially, but not fully block the attack, but this leaves him (as was said before) weak and open for anything. I can add this if you want,
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by sLy Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:04 am


    Just needed some clarification thats all. Bump when you made the changes.

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    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:12 am

    Alright, I fixed the Shadow Form (In the strengths I added something to it) and the Element Cloning and I do believe I add something to weaknesses along with elemental properties, weaknesses.
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by sLy Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:25 am

    Hmm...I couldnt see the changes, sorry. Can you quote them for me? Thanks.

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    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:38 am

    Alright hey, I added the stuff to Elemental Cloning and Elemental Properties as well as one weakness (weakness is part of the Elemental stuff), just as you asked.
    Head Administrator
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by sLy Mon Dec 28, 2015 7:40 pm


    Sorry to bother you again, but I still need to know the extent of the 'disappearing into the shadows' thing. E.g. how long can he remain in the shadows, and can he travel? If he can travel, what's the drawback to it?

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    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by Voltumna Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:18 am

    Alright, done and edited.
    Head Administrator
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

    Desmond Irich Empty Re: Desmond Irich

    Post by sLy Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:07 am


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