Welcome to The Beyond! We are a sci-fi/fantasy roleplaying forum. In this world, it's a game of survival; only the fittest will live. Don't worry, we won't bite; we've got an awesome staff team, and equally amazing members. Make sure to read over the rules before you begin rping!
Welcome to The Beyond! We are a sci-fi/fantasy roleplaying forum. In this world, it's a game of survival; only the fittest will live. Don't worry, we won't bite; we've got an awesome staff team, and equally amazing members. Make sure to read over the rules before you begin rping!
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Welcome to The Beyond Burger®. Something's out there, just waiting for you to find it. It's either hunt or be hunted out in this dangerous territory, so watch your backs. Join us now, and explore our mysterious depths...
Aran: ADVOCATE (https://www.16personalities.com/infj-personality) Alkora: ENTREPRENEUR (https://www.16personalities.com/estp-personality) Aviren: MEDIATOR (https://www.16personalities.com/infp-personality) The Zeemos: Too many heads to bother. Devoro: LOGICIAN (https://www.16personalities.com/intp-personality)
If your charrie had to choose between killing a loved one or destroying the world, what would they choose?
Minea would kill all of them if they crossed her path. Honestly she would probably have no problem making friends with a "killer" as she is a "killer" herself, but if they went off the wall and decided to kill people for the fun of it she would definitely knock them down. She would only kill the other two if they gave her a reason to kill them by crossing her or something.
And I took the quiz because I felt like it. Minea is a Virtuoso and I'm a Protagonist. (I still hate that name. It makes me sound like I'm really self centered and think I'm better than everyone. THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND ME WHERE I AM THE ONLY 3D CHARACTERS AND EVERYONE ELSE IS A 2D OR 1D BACKGROUND CHARACTER!)
If your char had 3 wishes, what would they wish for? (Rules from Aladdin apply.)
She believes in truth, honesty, love and happiness. She wants equality and equity for everyone and believes that nobody is better or worse than another.
Absolutely nothing, if we're talking about Minea. Hisashi would defiantly help the poor old lady get her purse back and Korosu would kill them all, but probably not before monologuing first.
If your character was presented the choice would they personally kill their most beloved loved one in a horribly brutal way in order to save the lives of hundreds of people? (And if they don't have a most beloved loved one then ether A.) pretend that they do and answer the question accordingly or B.) let someone else answer the question.)
Post Dramatic Stress Disorder seems like the most likely candidate for Draligon. Exploding volcanoes + destroyed island would cause such a thing, you know?
Korosu-Minea (And everything with intelligence ever to an extent.)
Hisashi-Minea, I guess. In a way. I dun know he's special. Maybe nobody. He's too nice.
Would your character choose Hoshido or Nohr? (This is from fire emblem fates. I'll explain to you the situation if you don't know. You were raised in Nohr, a place where the going was tough, the king was cruel, the actions of the military were downright terrible, and the bond between you and your siblings grew very strong. Then you get kidnapped to Hoshido, a place of peace, propertity and nobility, where you discover you're real family and learn of the horrible things Nohr has done. So the choice here s pretty much stay with the family you've known for your whole life and try to bring down a corrupt nation though the inside, or go with your blood family and end the war so the two countries can finally be at peace and as allies. So, birthright or conquest?) This trailer will probably help explaining things.
Going by Draligon standards? He'd go for Nohr most likely, ONLY because in his mind, family is where the heart is for him. In a nutshell. Family not by blood you known for your entire life > Family by blood you don't know squat about.
What Undertale character would your character would most likely hang out with?
The exact same 'cause my characters are immortal! Hehe!
Why does your character theme/song fit your character? If you don't have one then I guess you could use a quote you've made/pulled off the internet instead and explain why that fits them. (assuming you have one of those.)
Well, my theme fits my character because it sounds melencholy, depressing and almost peaceful, yet there's something that doesn't seem right, that's not fairly obvious yet you notice it somehow. Also because it's based on the song Waterfall and Sol is a water thing.
As for the quote thingy all she wants is to be loved and it's the only thing that matters to her despite there being more important things like, y'know, looking after youself and eating so you don't die from a sugar crash.