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Kimberly Kristina Johnson ZYQbJZc


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    Kimberly Kristina Johnson


    Status :

    Female Posts : 4
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    Kimberly Kristina Johnson Empty Kimberly Kristina Johnson

    Post by Kimberly Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:50 pm

    Personal Info:
    Name: Kimberly Kristina Johnson
    Nickname: Kim, Kimber
    Age: 124 Years
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Species: Sea Serpent
    Alignment: Neutral
    Height: 5' 7"
    Skin/Fur/Scales, Etc.: Pale skin
    Eyes: Sea green or emerald green, whichever matches her sea serpent.
    Hair: Blonde, naturally wavy.
    Looks: Standing at 5' 7" Kim has slightly tan skin in the summer from being outside, which fades in the winter when she doesn't go out as much. She has blonde hair that is almost always seen in a ponytail. When she goes running on warmer days she is usually seen running in a sports bra and shorts, sometimes with a light jacket on. In the colder months she'll wear more like a long sleeve shirt and some running pants, but that is her usual attire. On her off days she'll wear jeans and a nice shirt, but those days are very rare.
    Strengths/skills: Staying healthy. She always stretches and makes sure her body is cared for before she exercises. Not only that, but Kim exercises every day along with eating healthy foods with good benefits. She can be seen working as a trainer.
    Socializing. Kim is the type of person who will just randomly talk with strangers, and she's always very friendly and open.
    Parkour. Kimberly, through hours and hours of failures, has become a master at parkour. That mixed in with her almost constant stretching and keeping herself fit has allowed her to be able to flip over a lot of things in her way. Due to this, she also likes to do things like obstacle courses. This does not mean she can survive a long fall, nor avoid fast objects or dodge over something that is twice the height of her.
    Swimming. In both forms, Kimberly is an amazing swimmer and can sometimes be seen as a lifeguard or coach. If she is caught on something she can still drown unless she changes into her serpent form.

    Weaknesses/Flaws: Weapons. Any weapon could easily hurt her.
    Easily distracted. She can get easily distracted when anyone mentions exercise, or anything else she likes to do. She also usually runs with her music on, unless she runs with someone else, which can cause her to be unable to hear around her.
    Very trusting. Kim is very trusting to people, even strangers, and it could lead her to bad situations.
    Oblivious. Kimberly tends to be oblivious to most situations, which can make it easier for her to be used by others.

    Special Abilities: Water Manipulation - Kimberly possesses a small amount of water manipulation. This only works in her human form. She can not use the water of any other creature, even if it is only on them. The most water she can lift is a gallon, and she can only throw it 10 feet away at 5 mph. If she was to throw a smaller amount, like a handful, she could throw it at 10 mph and 20 feet away. She can only work with water, not snow, ice, or steam. She can deflect other water attacks away from her or her friends so that they do not harm them, but can not use their attacks against them until they finish using them. She can only pick water from an open source, not from underground or in plants.

    Sea Serpent shifting - Kim, being a sea serpent, can change into one. She has two different sizes she can change into.

    The smaller one is 15 inches long and able to fit in a pint glass and she can hold that form for as long as she wants. This form does have poison, but it only works on small creatures and paralyze them. This would be useless to anything bigger than her, but might make the area where she bites them a bit numb. While this form is not deadly, it is very fast, able to go up to 45 mph in the water. This form can be in any type of water. Her favorite treat in this form are goldfish.

    Her bigger form is 100 feet long. When fighting, she can only keep it for 5 posts, but other than that she's able to keep it on for as long as she wants. She can travel comfortably at 15 mph, but can reach 20 mph if needed to escape something quickly. She can only change into this form in water. This form does not possess poison and can only handle salt water.

    Both forms are useless on land but can breath underwater and out of the water.

    Serpent form:

    Personality: Kimberly is outgoing and loves to talk. Her favorite pastime is to run or workout, and she'll drag others into doing it too. She loves to connect with others and get them into shape. Kim hates to be alone, and will either seek out her friends or go out running where she's bound to see someone on the street. She always tries to make up some small talk with people she meets, and can even engage in a full on conversation with a waiter if they let her. Kim can be immature sometimes, and isn't afraid to make any sort of dirty joke, nor is she afraid to curse. She doesn't speak much of the past and tends to look forward.

    Likes/Hobbies: Coffee shops. The smells, warmth, and chatter is all calming to her.
    Tea. The property of tea is just wonderful for yourself, and it doesn't have a lot of things added to it.
    Exercise. She's a fit exercise nut who has to stay in shape or it'll ruin her. Running is her favorite way of exercise.
    Mornings. Unless it's winter, it's the best time to get up an exercise.
    Thrills. Things that get your adrenaline up are some of her favorites.
    Storms. The wind, cold, smell, and sound. It's so peaceful in the rage of the weather.
    Spring/Summer. Those are the times when she is really able to get out in the morning and run.
    Music. Usually played when working out, she'll listen to just about anything.
    The ocean. Not only is it fun to run along, but it would most likely be her destination for a vacation.
    Fish. Her favorite food is fish of any kind, and it's not uncommon for her to try and steal some out of your fish tank. Goldfish would have to be on the top of her list.

    Dislikes: Stereotypes. They're rude and misleading. She especially hates it when people refer to her as a 'dumb blonde' without even knowing her.
    Unhealthy foods. She might sneak something on her occasional off days, but tends to stay away from it.
    Hurting herself. Whether it's from not stretching enough or from an outside force, if it stops her from running she'll hate it.
    Cars. While she can find herself driving one every so often, she would much rather run. Not only does it make her healthier, but it helps the environment too.
    Boredom. When she's bored she'll always look for a way to fix it, even if that means bugging her friends.
    Being alone. Life is always better with friends.

    Fears: Kim's first and foremost fear is getting hurt so badly that she can't exercise properly again.
    Her second fear would have to be being lonely and not having friends, or everyone shunning her away for one reason or another.
    Kim's last fear would be getting old, as she wouldn't be able to go out as much and have to stay inside more.

    Parents: Unknown
    Mate: N/A
    Offspring: N/A
    Relative: N/A
    Brothers/sisters: Unknown
    History: Kimberly was grown and raised in Aqueos for most of her young life, mostly as a serpent. When she got older her parents introduced her to land and her human form, from which she quickly adapted. She actually liked her human form more, and now almost permanently lives as a human and practically abandoning her serpent form.
    RP paragraph: I'm okay.

    Last edited by Kimberly on Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Status :

    Female Posts : 321
    Reputation : 0

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Insanity
    Species: Unknown
    Alignment : Chaotic Evil

    Kimberly Kristina Johnson Empty Re: Kimberly Kristina Johnson

    Post by Lexia Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:20 pm

    I think it's good


    Status :

    Female Posts : 321
    Reputation : 0

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Insanity
    Species: Unknown
    Alignment : Chaotic Evil

    Kimberly Kristina Johnson Empty Re: Kimberly Kristina Johnson

    Post by Lexia Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:24 pm


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