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    Puddle (DONE)


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    Male Posts : 22
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    Puddle (DONE) Empty Puddle (DONE)

    Post by Puddle Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:22 pm

    Puddle (DONE) Puddle10
    Personal Info:
    Name: Puddle.
    Nickname: Pud.
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Species: Weird amphibian fish monster.
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Height: 1.5 feet tall, 7 feet long, 4 feet wide.
    Skin/Fur/Scales, Etc.: Dark blueish scales that are slightly slimy.
    Eyes: Black.
    Hair: No hair.
    Looks: Puddle is a gray-blue rayish thing with six legs. Each leg is small, round, blob-like, has three large, sharp claws, and is sticky, allowing him to climb walls and ceilings. Puddle is jawless, much like a lamprey, and his mouth cannot close. It is full of razor sharp teeth, mostly for defense. His tongue is what he eats with, and it has a hole on the end, which is used for eating. A row of sharp spines starts at the tip of his nose and ends about halfway down his back. His underbelly is sky-blue, and less soft than the rest of his scales. He also has four gill slits and two pairs of eyes.
    Strengths/skills: Puddle is good at walking on walls, swimming, keeping an eye out for predators/threats, and looking weird. He also has good senses of smell and sight.
    Weaknesses/Flaws: Puddle, like the rest of his species, has terrible hearing. His scales are very soft and easy to cut through. Also, he cannot stay out of water for more than two days, or else he will dry up and die. As a creature accustomed to being surrounded by predators, he is paranoid, always looking out for anything that might try to eat him. Although he isn't incredibly stupid, he also isn't very smart, and is often slow to figure things out. And, despite being a fast swimmer, he is incredibly slow on land, and probably can't run any faster than two miles per hour. Also, if he is flipped on his back, Puddle would not be able to get back up unless helped.
    Special Abilities: He can breathe underwater and climb walls, just like the rest of his species. He also has telepathy, since he can't actually talk. He can't really decide who does and doesn't "hear" his messages, although he can change the broadcast range (1-100 feet away from him). Also, he can't read minds, and any recievers can't communicate back to him mentally, it only goes one way.
    Personality: Puddle is, for the most part, lazy. He sleeps for most of the day, and doesn't move much when he is awake. It takes a lot to provoke Puddle and make him mad, and even more to make him attack you. He fears violence, mostly because he isn't a good fighter. He is also very paranoid. He worries that there is always something that might be hunting him, and frequently checks for any signs of a threat. Puddle is somewhat friendly to strangers, and can hold a conversation for at least a few minutes before getting bored and ambling off. It is not often that he actively seeks out someone to talk to, but he does not shy away from the prospect of meeting new people, either. It is quite easy to tell what he is feeling and/or thinking, as he never even tries to hide his emotions (which are generally along the lines of boredom, hunger, slight nervousness, or tiredness).
    He is also stupid.
    Not overly stupid.
    But still kinda stupid.
    Likes/Hobbies: Sleeping, swimming, eating, sleeping, safety, water, sleeping, and large, non-enclosed spaces.
    Dislikes: Being stepped on, small spaces, predators, being out of water for too long, deserts, not sleeping, running.
    Fears: Puddle has claustrophobia, mostly because he worries about not being able to escape if he is attacked. He also fears anything he thinks might want to eat him, and worries that someone might accidentally step on him, because of how close he is to the ground. He also fears getting lost without water and eventually drying up. Finally, he worries about what would happen if he was flipped on his back and no one was around to help him.
    Parents: He never met them, as, like most members of his species, he and his siblings were left to fend for themselves.
    Mate: N/A
    Offspring: N/A
    Relatives: He probably has a bunch of aunts, uncles, and cousins, but he has never met them.
    Brothers/sisters: A large amount of siblings, but he doesn't really know them. When they hatched, everyone scattered and lived alone.
    History: He spent his entire life sucking up bacteria and nutrients off the ocean floor, trying to survive. He eventually moved to a coastal city in Xastristan, in the hopes that most of the more dangerous predators would be too afraid of all the industrial activity to go near.
    RP paragraph: Nah, I'm Slithus and Irkosu and Aran.
    Aero Dynamic
    Aero Dynamic

    Status :

    Female Posts : 409
    Reputation : 6
    Age : 22

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Aero Dynamic
    Species: Dragon
    Alignment : Lawful Neutral

    Puddle (DONE) Empty Re: Puddle (DONE)

    Post by Aero Dynamic Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:58 pm


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