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    Smaragdna Šuma


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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by Smaragdna Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:48 pm

    Personal Info:
    Name: Smaragdna Šuma
    Nickname: Smar
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Straight
    Species: Armadillo Faunus
    Height: 6’6”
    Skin/Fur/Scales, Etc.: Tan skin
    Eyes: Light Brown
    Hair: Black hair, extremely short buzzcut.
    Looks: Very bulky and tall. His very muscular build makes him look intimidating. 205 lbs. out of armor, and 280 in armor. In a full suit of armor, he is not as fast as he could be going. Smaragdna isn’t exactly pretty. His face was worn and rugged, yet clean shaven. His animal trait is hardened skin that looks like the shell of an armadillo. Smar wears a full suit of armor. Closed helmet on his head, brigandine covered his torso, pauldron on his left shoulder, rerebrace and gauntlets covered his arms. Chausses on both legs, two sheaths were built into the metal for his two knifes. The armor was made to be mildly heavy but strong enough to take hits.

     Smaragdna Šuma Z

    Strengths/skills: Strong. He knows a lot about the martial arts Kali and Silat. He also analyses his opponents fighting styles so that he can plan on how to counter it.
    Kali is based around Weapons of Opportunity. They look at objects and see how it can be used in a fight. Let’s use a normal hammer as an example. Most people see it as a normal blunt weapon, but to a Kali fighter it is so much more. They see the curved part where you can remove nails and they see a control tool. They could place the curve around the windpipe to crush it, rip it out, or just use it as a method to control the opponent. They will also see the handle as a blunt weapon, a means of loaded fist or a club. A way they would hold the hammer is to have their hand at the top of the handle with the head of the hammer along the bottom of their fist, using the curved part to give some protection to the fingers. They will use this as a loaded fist to deal damage and can help safely disarm someone. They will slam the hammer head into the opponent’s hand and either loosen their grip or completely knock it out. The motto he lives by is that weapons are supposed to be felt not seen, so he will take shots at all blind spots he finds. Silat is about ending the fight as soon as possible. Someone is choking you, break their elbow and then while they are on the ground take them out. Combining these two are deadly as anything is a weapon and he will find the most efficient way to get rid of you.
    As far as his analyzing goes, he pays attention to the frequency off attacks, the power behind those attacks, where the attacks are aimed. He pays attention to how his opponent stands, he pays attention to the reaction time of them, where their blind spots are. He gathers as much information as his mind can gather and starts to build a plan to fight with.
    Weaknesses/Flaws: Being on the defensive combat wise has its downfalls. If an opponent can knock him off balance or be strong enough to stagger his defense they would get some good hits it. Smaragdna does tend to get over confident when he achieves his perfect form, leading him to accidentally placing himself into a dangerous position.
    His armor was improperly forged and as such wasn't hardened and is the metal is unevenly distributed.
    Smaragdna knows about lighter and (since they are hardened) stronger armor, but he prefers to stay with what he hand forged.
    Smaragdna is extremely weak to certain forms of Electromancy and Pyromancy due to his metal armor becoming a death trap. Spells that leave a constant flow of damage like a flamethrower type spells are most effective while fire balls aren't.
    Smar's semblance requires that he takes damage to get any charge, meaning that he isn't at his best when he pops it.
    Special Abilities: Smar comes from the land of Remnant. He has control over the natural energy his soul releases, called aura.  This energy creates a passive energy shield to protect the warrior and even heal minor wounds. He can even manipulate his aura to use his Semblance. His aura has 400 points (Liable to change depending on tests), these points are reduced through healing or blocking attack damage.
    While healing minor wounds like scrapes, he loses 5 points per post he heals a minor wound. This damage is healed in one post. Major wounds that can be healed like a giant cut or gash will take three to five posts to heal and drains 10 points per post. Extreme wounds that can’t be healed without medical treatment, something like his arm gets cut off or something extreme like that. Slowing the bleeding will drain his aura 20 points for all posts he is injured. These healing abilities do stack, so say he gets his arm cut off and a scrape is made on his other, then he will lose 25 points for that post and 20 points for the following posts.
    Blocking damage will be drained based on the damage that gets past armor. This drain includes damage absorbed and the damage let through as that aura is sent to the charge. Say an attack deals 20 damage and Smaragdna allows half to go through, then he is still drained 20 aura points even though only 10 damage is blocked. There is a limit to what the aura can block and that is anything that is above 20 damage. After 20 damage the aura will only be drained by 20 damage. 50 damage can only be blocked by 20 leaving 30.
    His aura will start to recharge after five post cycles of not taking damage or under the effects of a major wound (Losing 20 aura per post). He will recover the aura in levels. It will start to recharge 20 points at first, but it will slowly increase by 10 every two posts until it reaches 80 points a post. This recharge will be reset to zero upon taking damage.
    His Semblance is called Royal Guard. When an attack comes at Smar, he can decide to let some damage through. The leftover energy from his aura not taking the hit stores itself. When Smar has stored enough energy, he can release this energy into a perfect form. This only applies to physical or magical cutting attacks though, this includes any blade slices, arrows or magical attacks like an Ice shard. Any magical or physical non-cutting attacks can't add to his charge and he can't reduce the damage his aura absorbs.

     Smaragdna Šuma Z

    In his perfect form Smar takes no damage from simple attacks (attacks that aren’t aimed at joints or breaks in armor, or don’t have the cutting force/strength to get through his armor) This is due to the nature that the attack isn't piercing the armor or going around the armor . He takes 60% reduction from mild attacks (attacks aimed at joints or breaks in armor, or can get through his armor but not much flesh underneath). 35% reduction from strong attacks (attacks are anything stronger than a mild attack and leaves a high chance of death). His aura level doesn’t deplete when he is hit, since this is already used aura. When in perfect form Smar can’t gain anymore charge. An opponent can tell he has activated perfect form when he becomes surrounded in angelic armor. His speed is reduced from 4.5 meters per second to 2.7 meters per second, but his strength becomes boosted from being able to lift 80 lbs. to 160 lbs. This perfect form can only stay active for five post cycles. After the initial triggering of his form, charging of this form is dropped by half for the next ten post cycles.
    His swing strength, using his sword, can cut an unarmored person in half. Against armored opponents it would depend on where he hits, but it would generally result in bouncing off. But in perfect form he can cut through 2mm thick armor and make it to the spine.
    Charge dissipates over time if he stops taking damage at a rate of 5% every two post cycles he isn’t injured, increasing by 5% every second decay. Ex. -5%, -5%, -10%, -10%, etc. He needs 100 damage to get a full charge. The formula to determine charge added goes like this [(how deadly was the attack)-(what got blocked by armor)]*(what percentage did he let through)=(charge added). Damage will be calculated based on how deadly the attack is. Anything that isn’t at all deadly is calculated from 0-25. This will include things like a scrape on his arm that would be something tiny like 1-5 depending on the length of the scrape. An attack that isn’t immediately deadly but are wounds that need medical attention is ranked 26-70. Attacks that are aimed at the torso or head get higher damage numbers as those are more vital areas. Attacks that aren’t immediately deadly but will lead to bleeding out very fast are ranked from 71-99. Immediate death wounds are 100+ with the severity of the death being what the number is.

    So, take for example a stab to the stomach. Deadly: yes. How deadly: moderately. Did it hit armor: yes. What happened: it got deflected. Did damage get through: no. How much did the aura block of remaining energy: all of nothing. Calculating.
    (60-60)*100%=0*100%=0% charge added. (Note: the damage provided shows what the attack would be if there was no armor or aura to block it. Damage will change after it hits armor and how it hits it and what changes after it goes through aura)

    Personality: Smaragdna is like a big teddy bear. He is strong in both the physical sense and mental sense. He cares for orphans and children who live in bad families because he relates with them. He tries to be the best person he can. He believes that true strength doesn’t come from how much you can destroy, but from those who look up to you.
    But this doesn’t mean that he can’t be fearsome. On the battlefield, he is cold and focused. To him a fight is like a dance. He focuses on the patterns they move in, how they hold their weapon and where they strike. He is still protective of allies, but intimidating to his opponents.
    Likes/hobbies: He loves children, nothing pleases him more than going to an orphanage and cheering them up as best he can. In his off time, he tries to keep himself in shape and tries to learn new ways of fighting. When on Remnant he had a sparing buddy. They would spend hours at a time in the arena switching between being on the offensive and defensive. They would even challenge each other by saying “No use of left arms” or “You must only use pommel strikes”.
    Dislikes: Smar dislikes humans. He tolerates humans that show sympathy for other Faunuses or other non-human species. His dislike for humans stems from the fact that humans on Remnant treated Faunuses as second class citizens.
    Fears: Smar fears defeat. He was born into a harsh world with no protection of any kind. He had to survive in a land full of murderers and thieves. Smar wants to protect other people from harm, he would even surrender a fight if he knew that surrendering would protect others more than if he were to fight.
    Parents: Unknown
    History: Born and raised in the kingdom of Vacuo, he lived among thieves and murderers in his early years. His Faunus trait of tough skin helped him survive and he built his fighting style around having the best defense. While he was among the worst society has to offer, he came to hold honor, loyalty and kindness as his highest virtues. He trained himself in the ways of being a knight of old from stories and old books.

    When he became old enough he moved to the island Menagerie. There he met Gira and grew close to him. Smaragdna pledged himself to the protection of the Faunus and he would fight for their equality with humanity. After Gira started the peaceful organization called the White Fang, Smaragdna was his right-hand man and leader of the White Fang Defense Force.

    When he isn’t stationed on Menagerie, he goes to Faunus villages to bring protection and supplies. He even helps them learn how to protect themselves.
    After many years of trying to help the faunus people gain independence through peaceful means, Smaragdna turned to combat. He transformed the White Fang from a peaceful organization into a terrorist group meant to force humans to respect Faunuses. During an attack on the Schnee Dust Company, Smaragdna fought against Qrow Branwen and fell in battle. When he awoke, Smaragdna found himself in this new world.
    RP paragraph: Smaragdna is in a new world and needs to learn the ways of the world. Kinda like Samurai Jack, except there is no way back to Remnant. This new land seems to be far past what he is capable of, after all dragons exist. Anyone willing to team up with this misplaced warrior?

    Last edited by Leer Senso on Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:53 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Female Posts : 321
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    Character Name: Insanity
    Species: Unknown
    Alignment : Chaotic Evil

     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by Lexia Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:43 pm

    Please update this app with what we have discussed in the TB discord chat. When you have. Reply to this and 'bump' it for me to properly review it.

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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by Smaragdna Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:57 pm

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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by sLy Mon Aug 14, 2017 11:11 pm


    Please look through the application review on Discord and fix everything that I have pointed out that I need you to do. I had a look at this app and its nothing but the 1st draft.

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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by Smaragdna Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:52 am

    Head Administrator
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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by sLy Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:09 am

    He knows a fair amount of martial arts and sword play. He analyses his opponents fighting styles so that he can plan on how to counter it.

    Please describe the martial arts he uses, a brief summary of what it is, and whether it has any emphasis on speed, strength or both. Also describe how he analyses his opponent rather than just stating it.

    When in perfect form Smar can’t gain anymore charge as he can no longer be damaged.

    Please fix this in according to the rest of the description to his Perfect form. He can still take damage.

    His speed is reduced but his strength becomes boosted.

    By how much? What is his top speed? What is the strongest material he can lift or slice through?

    This perfect form can only stay active for a maximum of thirty seconds, which will be determined by three post cycles. After the initial triggering of his form, charging of this form is dropped by half for the next hour.

    Timing here is vastly disproportionate. If 3 posts is 30 seconds, then its 360 posts of reduced charge generation. Are you sure you are fine with this?

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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by Smaragdna Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:10 pm

    Bump x3.
    Head Administrator
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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by sLy Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:23 pm

    His aura has 800 points (Liable to change depending on tests), these points are reduced through healing or blocking attack damage.
    While healing minor wounds like scrapes, he loses 5 points per post he heals a minor wound. This damage is healed in one post. Major wounds that can be healed like a giant cut or gash will take three to five posts to heal and drains 10 points per post. Extreme wounds that can’t be healed without medical treatment, something like his arm gets cut off or something extreme like that. Slowing the bleeding will drain his aura 20 points for all posts he is injured. These healing abilities do stack, so say he gets his arm cut off and a scrape is made on his other, then he will lose 25 points for that post and 20 points for the following posts.
    Blocking damage will be drained based on the damage that gets past armor. This drain includes damage absorbed and the damage let through as that aura is sent to the charge. Say an attack deals 60 damage and Smaragdna allows half to go through, then he is still drained 60 aura points even though only 30 damage is blocked. There is a limit to what the aura can block and that is anything that is above 100 damage. After 100 damage the aura will only be drained by 100 damage. 150 damage can only be blocked by 100 leaving 50.
    His aura will start to recharge after five post cycles of not taking damage. He will recover the aura in levels. It will start to recharge 20 points at first, but it will slowly increase by 10 every two posts until it reaches 100 points a post. This recharge will be reset to zero upon taking damage.
    His Semblance is called Royal Guard. When an attack comes at Smar, he can decide to let some damage through. The leftover energy from his aura not taking the hit stores itself. When Smar has stored enough energy, he can release this energy into a perfect form. This only applies to physical or magical cutting attacks though, this includes any blade slices, arrows or magical attacks like an Ice shard. Any magical or physical non-cutting attacks can't add to his charge and he can't reduce the damage his aura absorbs.

    This is a lot to digest, so I'm just going to summarise this:

    -Smar's aura gives him an 800pt shield
    -Minor wounds absorb 5 pts for 1 post (so total is just 5 pts anyways)
    -Major wounds drain 30-50pts over 3-5posts
    -Extreme wounds drain 20pts/post
    -Aura can only absorb 100pts of damage at max, and the rest is let through
    -After 5 posts of not receiving damage, he regenerates his aura at 20pts (+10pts per 2 post up to 100pts max) per post

    All in all, I find it a little biased that after 5 posts he can regenerate his aura at a rate equivalent to dealing an extreme wound on him. Any attack above 100+ is considered deadly wounds, but anything below that he can just simply shrug off and transfer them to his overly abundant aura. Because of this, he can just ignore trying to protect himself and go for whacking his foes as they come in. And considering he is clad in armour, having anything about 100+ is near impossible. It's a very poor trade off, especially if they have to grind through that 800pt pool. You will also need to consider how magic damage factor in to your equation IF he is supposedly weaker to them compared to physical damage.

    In his perfect form Smar takes no damage from simple attacks, attacks that are not abilities, aren’t aimed at joints or breaks in armor, or don’t have the cutting force/strength to get through his armor.

    That's not going to escape my notice. More importantly, I would suggest you reread your abilities every time you add something new, because everything after that now becomes inconsistent. Remove.

    but his strength becomes boosted from being able to lift 80 lbs. to 160 lbs. In perfect form, it allows him to punch a clean hole into a 2mm thick steel wall.

    Being able to lift 160lb won't grant you the strength to punch a "clean hole" into a 2mm thick steel wall. The latter is also highly overpowered and will guarantee to kill anyone, if you imagine a bullet the size of a fist going fast enough to penetrate this steel wall.

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     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by Smaragdna Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:54 pm

    I believe that I have addressed everything. Please take one more look over when you have the chance.

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    Character Name: Sly
    Species: Human
    Alignment : True Neutral

     Smaragdna Šuma Empty Re: Smaragdna Šuma

    Post by sLy Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:05 pm

    Thats much better. Welcome to TB!


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