Personal Info:
Name: Gala
Nickname: Gal; Eyepatch Lady
Age: 19 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Clan: Shadow Raiders
Rank: Assassin
Height: 5'6 ft.
Skin/Fur/Scales, Etc.: Pale white skin
Eyes: Sky-blue (other eye is missing)
Looks: Look at pictures above. Long white hair, blue eyes.
Extra: Eyepatch; two katanas as weapons
Hobbies/skills: Fighting; annoying people on purpose; figuring out riddles; getting people to like her; persuading others to get her way
Strengths: Pretty much everything above
Weaknesses: She is easily flattered. She's pretty much so full of herself, that when people mock her, she lashes out and doesn't think about what she's doing.
Accessories: Two katanas as weapons
Special abilities: No, she's mortal.
Attacks: Attacks vary
Combat style: N/A
Personality: Gala is pretty much a stuck-up arrogant chick who is pretty full of herself. She thinks she is better than everyone else. She is a crack-up at times, and likes to mock others. She is kinda all-up-in-yo-face, and likes to make people think she's cool. However, on the inside, she is insecure. On the outside, she appears fearless, and gives the impression of being 'evil', though she is only one who enjoys discord.
Likes: Fighting; impressing others; the dark; making others feel insecure
Dislikes: Being 'nice'; the color yellow; giving someone something they don't deserve; being embarrassed
Fears: Losing her reputation or being killed
Parents: Deceased, assassinated by Gala
Mate: She has no time for love.
Offspring: Kids are too annoying.
Relative: Undetermined
Brothers/sisters: Had a brother, but his whereabouts are unknown.
History: I'll finish later.
RP paragraph: I'm Nightingale