by sLy Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:48 am
He fiddled with the pocketwatch for the last time, and there he made a miniature wolf. With a gentle flick, the silver eyes flared to life, the gears ticking as the wolf looked around, its paws tapping around the palm of his hand as it realised it was trapped up here. Finally he perfected it. A clockwork construction of a wolf. Looking at it reminded him of the water wolf, who was in his peripheral, looking back up at him with the red and blue eyes.
Sly called for Arik 30minutes ago, almost after hearing the crisis this wolf was going through. Her eyes were half-opened, her every step a limp as she appeared to be dragging them across the path. No doubt she had gotten weaker. When he first saw her, there were two streams of water circling her body. Now there was just one. Her name was Mirage, and she had been begging him—quite like a lost dog—to take her to the nearby lake. Though Sly could have taken her there by himself, or even called someone strong like Yuuki to acquaint her. But he ended up settling for Arik, especially when he needed his intellect of this area, what he should expect and—perhaps—communicate with Mirage more effectively.
He had been sitting on his haunches until they started to bite him. As Sly stood back up, he saw Arik, walking towards him from the distance. He stepped onto the road and waved to him, but before hearing a distant roar of a thunderstorm.
Morning Arik, thank you for coming, Sly said. And yeah, I met this wolf out here, demanding to go to a lake. Is there a lake nearby here? He had a few more questions to ask but he started with the first one, and somewhat hoped Arik could answer the rest.
Hi there! Mirage said in her echoing voice, wagging her tail as she approached Arik. She sniffed and licked his hand when he reached to pat her, before brushing her check and chin over the hand, as if beckoning him to scratch her. My name is Mirage. Will you help me find my way back?