by Aero Dynamic Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:23 pm
Okay, let me say some things.
First, the lore does say that humans killed off most of the dragons, mostly for their destructive nature. So, if a billion are running around that would conflict with the lore. And if you want to argue that that would take away from the 'freedom' of this site, that's like saying to tone down an OP character. Plus, Aero was going to be the only dragon, then it was Lead, Sol, and Acer. So, the new ones are already more than needed.
Next, I liked Sly's idea of winning a tournament or something for a dragon app. Of course, these would be really rare. But, you also can't forget about hatchlings, although if wanted the owner can decide who to give their hatchling to if they want someone to play it.
Third, I'd like to point out the complication with you're idea, F.U.R. If a new person knew they'd want a dragon then they could make that account first and then their character. So, if everyone did that it'd be the same as if they were an older member.
So, with all of that in mind I would actually like to make this happen.