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    Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D)


    Status :

    Female Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Age : 2023

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Paragon
    Species: Phoenix
    Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

    Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D) Empty Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D)

    Post by Paragon Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:39 am

    Personal Info:
    Name: Paragon Azulakhlus
    Nickname: Para, that asshole, brat, Hyper-aggressive Whale Thing.
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Species: Akhlut
    Alignment: Chaotic neutral
    Human form: 5 feet 3 inches
    True form: 8 feet 5 inches
    Skin/Fur/Scales, Etc.:
    Human form: Skin, very pale.
    True form: Skin. Mostly black, but with a white patch behind her eyes and a white underbelly that runs from her tail to the tip of her snout.
    Human form: Grey-blue with hints of teal.
    True form: A bright, icy blue.
    Human form: She has straight black hair that comes down to just past her chin.
    True form: None.
    Human form: Paragon does't have many unusual features. Sure, her nose juts out quite a bit, and her skin is really pale, but those are probably her most noticeable features. She often wears a black hoodie, a plain white shirt, dark blue headphones and navy blue sneakers. Para also normally has a pair of black shorts that go down to her knees. Her socks are white.
    True form: She has a long tail with a fin like that of a whale's at the end of it. Her four legs are thick and powerful, with large, wolf-like paws. Her head resembles that of a lizard's, with a longish snout, as well as this, some teeth stick out of her mouth. She has a large black dorsal fin on her back, also.
    Strengths/skills: Paragon is an excellent swimmer, more so in her true form than her human form. She is an above-average fighter, and very strong, although she is not superb. Para is also excellent when it comes to hunting fish (In her true form only). As well as this, her true form is extremely strong, able to lift up to 7 tons. Her human form is stronger than average, but not too strong, able to lift about 200 pounds.
    Weaknesses/Flaws: Para is brash and impulsive, eager to rush into fights with little to no thought as to who her enemy is or how bad of an idea it might be. She is quick to anger, and is rude to almost everyone, including those who are much stronger than her. Also, in her true form especially, she is a little clumsy on land.
    Special Abilities:
    She can switch between her true and human forms at will. The transformation takes about 20-30 seconds. The more tired she is, the longer it takes. If she is exhausted or otherwise severely weakened (Severely weakened- e.g.: Poisoned, very ill, gravely injured, lost large amounts of blood, etc.), she is unable to transform.
    Para is also able to survive in a wide range of temperatures, from below freezing to around 90 degrees. She is more susceptible to extreme heat or cold in her human form.
    Also, Paragon, although she lacks gills, can hold her breath for up to fifteen minutes, although she does not do this often.
    Finally, although this only happens in her true form, she has a great sense of hearing, sharp eyesight, and a good sense of smell.
    Personality: Paragon is quite arrogant, constantly boasting and showing off. She generally tends to belittle others, and insults people often. When offended, instead of ignoring whoever insulted her, she will attack them verbally, and, on occasion, physically. Para is quite aggressive, and almost always ready for a fight. She can be very impulsive and is normally selfish. However, if she cares for you she will be harder to anger and less likely to do more than tease you every now and then. When bored, she becomes less viscous and short-tempered, sometimes even willing to speak to other people in a normal conversation. She doesn't really open up to people, but if she likes you enough and needs to vent, she will.
    Likes/Hobbies: Cold weather, cloudy afternoons, swimming, hunting, eating fish, winning, being right.
    Dislikes: Warm weather, people who think they are better than her, people who are better than her losing, being wrong.
    Fears: She fears public humiliation, she is also afraid of venturing out into the open ocean, in case she runs into something dangerous or gets lost.
    Mother: Vierava-Deceased
    Father: Unknown-Unknown
    Mate: No.
    Offspring: Also no.
    Relative: Unknown
    Brothers/sisters: no.
    History: Paragon was raised by her mother, until she was about thirteen, when her mother became ill and died. She lived on her own ever since, hunting along thhe northern coast of the land.
    RP paragraph: I'm Aran. And Irkosu, too. Also your long-lost sister. Maybe.

    Last edited by Paragon on Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total

    Status :

    Female Posts : 321
    Reputation : 0

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Insanity
    Species: Unknown
    Alignment : Chaotic Evil

    Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D) Empty Re: Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D)

    Post by Lexia Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:00 am

    Heya Paragon, I just have some clarifications before I approve your character if that's okay :D

    With her other form, does it give her any perks aside from just the change of appearance? If she does, would you mind popping that into your app and just give an example of what she can do in the other form for me. If she doesn't get anything, that's fine - just let me know :D

    Bump/answer when you can and are ready :)

    Status :

    Female Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Age : 2023

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Paragon
    Species: Phoenix
    Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

    Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D) Empty Re: Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D)

    Post by Paragon Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:16 am


    Added a bit about strength in her true form, and poked over the senses thing.

    Status :

    Female Posts : 321
    Reputation : 0

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Insanity
    Species: Unknown
    Alignment : Chaotic Evil

    Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D) Empty Re: Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D)

    Post by Lexia Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:14 pm

    Hmm, that seems good!!


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    Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D) Empty Re: Paragon (I FINALLY MADE THE APP! :D)

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